For the next 365 days I will take a picture of myself. Each day/picture will have a part of my body in it. I am looking forward to this challenge and being able to see myself and body in a new light. I am hoping for grow as an artist and a person.

I paint self-portraits because I am the person I know best. -Frida Kahlo

Please Enjoy...

Monday, March 7, 2011

My 365 Merit Badge Contest submission


  1. What is the merit badge contest?
    You definitely get my vote!

  2. Opps! I meant to link to it :)

    Thanks, Susan <3

  3. Will you please do me a favor? When your year is up, will you please put all of these in a book? Your work exudes heart, soul and beauty. I would like to hold the compilation in my hands.

    I still don't have sound on my laptop, but thoroughly enjoyed your video. Did it have sound? I need to know what I missed. :)

    Beautiful work, Heather.

  4. Ditto to you, Misha. Your project touches my soul!

    It does have a song! It is Time Stops by Explosions in the Sky :)

  5. Ugh! A song I don't have here for listening along.

    I'll just pretend I didn't hear that the video is set to music.

