For the next 365 days I will take a picture of myself. Each day/picture will have a part of my body in it. I am looking forward to this challenge and being able to see myself and body in a new light. I am hoping for grow as an artist and a person.

I paint self-portraits because I am the person I know best. -Frida Kahlo

Please Enjoy...

Sunday, March 6, 2011


"There was only this perfect sympathy of movement, of turning this earth of theirs over and over to the sun, this earth which formed their home and fed their bodies and made their gods...Some time, in some age, bodies of men and women had been buried there, houses had stood there, had fallen, and gone back into the earth. So would also their house, some time, return into the earth, their bodies also. Each had his turn at this earth. They worked on, moving together-together-producing the fruit of this earth." -The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck


  1. Fertile with promise, and history.

    I need to reread this book. It has been a long, long time.

    Thought, heart, mind, hands ~ yours is a lovely garden, Heather.

  2. One of my favorite books <3

    Thank you, Misha, you're comments are always so full of love.

  3. it's because of the <3 spilling out of your blog, Heather ~:)
