For the next 365 days I will take a picture of myself. Each day/picture will have a part of my body in it. I am looking forward to this challenge and being able to see myself and body in a new light. I am hoping for grow as an artist and a person.

I paint self-portraits because I am the person I know best. -Frida Kahlo

Please Enjoy...

Monday, February 7, 2011



Today is a sick day. My girls and I all have head colds. Mine seems to be the worst (I had a fever all last night). This has been a bad winter, illness wise, for us. I rarely get sick. Anyway, today will be devoted to tea, rest, the neti pot and the chiro tomorrow!


  1. You take a beautiful picture, even when sick! Feel better soon...

  2. I hope you feel better soon, H! Get some rest!

  3. Aw, you look beat. Feel better.

  4. I second Pink. How can you look so beauteous with a head cold? Feel better, sweet lady! Give the girls smooches from 'donna.

  5. Hope you and the girls wake up today feeling much, much better.

  6. We're feeling a bit better today! Thank you <3

  7. This is a beautiful self-portrait. I love the light and the absence of light. It's really not fair you look this lovely when you're sick...I'm just sayin'. ;)
