For the next 365 days I will take a picture of myself. Each day/picture will have a part of my body in it. I am looking forward to this challenge and being able to see myself and body in a new light. I am hoping for grow as an artist and a person.

I paint self-portraits because I am the person I know best. -Frida Kahlo

Please Enjoy...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Silence of the Lambs poster (1991)


  1. Hehe, maybe I should do "movie poster Monday" ;)

  2. YES!

    Heather Addley in Movie Poster Monday!

  3. Consider this another vote for Movie Poster Monday!

  4. Here's another vote.

    This is fantastic! Precious even. hee hee

    I especially love that you posted this while I was trying to rejuvenate my energy stores by hanging out at the butterfly show. I passed on the fava beans at lunch, though.

  5. Hehe! Movie Poster Monday it is! It will be a nice compliment to Fine Art Friday :)

  6. Love it, Heather, both this picture and more movie posters. :)
