For the next 365 days I will take a picture of myself. Each day/picture will have a part of my body in it. I am looking forward to this challenge and being able to see myself and body in a new light. I am hoping for grow as an artist and a person.

I paint self-portraits because I am the person I know best. -Frida Kahlo

Please Enjoy...

Monday, January 17, 2011


Children show scars like medals. Lovers use them as secrets to reveal. A scar is what happens when the word is made flesh. - Leonard Cohen


  1. You are brave and a great role model!

  2. Oh, and you are BEAUTIFUL!
    It was great to see you in person last night!

  3. Thank you, Wendy! It was so very nice to meet you last night. I can't wait to get together again (and talk more) <3

  4. I love this photo ... sad that people are ashamed of stretch marks, especially when thye are a result of a gorgeous baby!

    p.s. I just thought i'd let you know (if you didn't already) that I've added your blog link to my blogfeed of 365's for everyone to see.

    Hope that's OK. Let me know if it isn't and i'll remove it!

    Cheers, Sarah

  5. Back before I had stretch marks, I heard a woman refer to hers as "tiger stripes", marks of a "strong, wild woman." When I'm feeling down on myself about mine (oh, I miss having a smooth belly), I remind myself of the awesome work that skin did! Love this photo & quote.

  6. a magical map
    leading the way
    to life

  7. Thank you all! This was a big step for me on the long road to accepting my body. I was hesitant, but I am so glad I did it :)

  8. That is totally OK, Sarah, thank you!!

  9. Love this. Love you. You are awesome.
